CTA-Flip is a jQuery Plugin powered by Tweenmax that flips an image to reveal a call-to-action message on the other side. This is ONLY for mouseover and is to add as a polishing effect for desktop vistors.
Some Cool Features
- No CSS required, just add the pluign and settings
- Flip horizontal or vertical
- Custom Message
- Customize - Change background color
- Customize - change message text color
- You can optionally format the message box by addressing the class style: ".cta-flip-obj-back"
- You'll need jQuery, TweenMax and TimeLineMax libraries. Links in Zip Example to CDN hosted libraries.
- This only works with images. Addressing the "img" in settings.
- For older browser copatibility, you should use Modernizer to detect for = preserve3d
Code to Add
<script src='js/cta-flip.min.js'></script>
$('.featured-designs img').ctaFlip({
message: "View this Design",
text_color: "#fff",
bg_color: "#0096ce",
flip_axis: "vertical" // settings are: horizontal, vertical
Plugin Info:
- Version: 0.1
- Pluign Type: jQuery
- Last Update: 04/09/2018
- License: GNU 2
- File Size: minified @ 3KB
- jQuery 3.0.0 compatible
- Author: Mark Hawkins - www.markhawkinsdesigns.com